
Uses of Enhancin

Enhancin is commonly prescribed for respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, dental infections, skin and soft tissue infections and ear infections. It is available in tablet, suspension and intravenous forms.

Enhancin tablets should be swallowed as a whole. Never crush them before swallowing. In addition, take it with a full glass of water.

Suspension form that is available for children should be dissolved in cooled boiled water. It should be dissolved to the mark printed on the bottle. Then it should be shaken well. Do not use dissolved solution if it is more than 7 days old. Keep it refrigerated.

Side effects of Enhancin

Before prescribing Enhancin you should inform the doctor regarding your current health status. If you have liver or kidney problems then it should be informed to the prescribing doctor.

Generally Enhancin is a well-tolerated medication with fewer side effects profile. However, it is known to cause gastro intestinal upset such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, it can cause allergic reactions in certain individuals. Rashes are commonest allergic reaction that can result from Enhancin.

Much severe form of allergic condition known as anaphylactic reaction can occur with this medication. It is characterized by wide spread hives, difficulty in breathing, edema of the lips and pallor. It is a life threatening condition and you need to send the patient to an emergency department ASAP. It is much more common in intravenous Enhancin.

Other than above side effects, enhancing can cause jaundice or yellowish discoloration of the body due to blocked bile flow.

In addition, rarely this medication can cause fits. Fits or seizures are much common in kidney disease. In addition, it can rarely cause headaches and dizziness.

Enhancin is usually labeled as safe during pregnancy and breast feeding. But small amount of drug goes into breast milk.


Enhancin is an antibiotic medication. It is used for various types of infections. Main side effects are gastrointestinal upset and allergic reactions.